“… Over this past weekend, I saw the commercial to which you are referring……….it was totally disgusting! …” Dear Bill: Over this past weekend, I saw the commercial to which you are referring……….it was totally disgusting! [Side note: The ad “…. Carl’s Jr. ad for their Patty Melt being aired … It’s in a High School classroom and the teacher begins doing a raunchy dance as the boys join in and talk about flat backsides, or something like that . There are several variants of the commercial. With all of the female teacher / student sex going on, it is not only vulgar but highly irresponsible. … “] https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/September/9.07.07 It was difficult to believe that this could be on television at all, let alone during family viewing hours! American advertising has turned into a real cesspool! I felt so sorry for the Karchers, a wonderful Christian couple who started Carl’s Jr. restaurants, who must be absolutely traumatized by these pornographic commercials! Does anyone realize how these commercials harm their reputations? They have nothing to do with these commercials, and I’m praying for them and their families…………. The worst part of it though is, as you’ve pointed out, the harm that is being done to America’s young people! It’s hard for me to believe that when parents have babies, they want them to be dragged around in cesspools………..but that’s, in essence, what advertising companies are doing by their total depravity! Perhaps they are drugged out of their minds……….that’s the only explanation that makes any sense………otherwise, could they really be that desperate to turn out this kind of trash for money, knowing they are contributing to America’s downfall? Thank God that … through the American Decency organization, who take the information to “the people”………..you give us the opportunity to raise our voices in protest, to stand up for righteousness in America…………I do make calls and write letters, and I thank you again for all that you do! God bless!!! Love in Christ, Pat Call. Write. Email. Boycott – Hardee’s. And pass this email on to your email list. Contact information for Hardee’s: Some of you will recall that the CEO, Mr. Andrew Puzder, was personally responding to our emails regarding the pressure that he was experiencing over their Paris Hilton ads. Try his email address below. pr@ckr.com Contact CKE Restaurants Call and leave a voice message at: 1-877-799-STAR (7827) CKE Restaurants, Inc. Andrew Puzder, CEO and President 6307 Carpinteria Avenue, Suite A Carpinteria, CA 93013 Toll Free: 800-422-4141 Email: pr@ckr.com In review: (1) Hardee’s (Carl’s Jr.) featured Hugh Hefner as a poster celebrity. Despite numerous communications from numbers of you in late 2003, they obviously haven’t been impacted (long term) by our expressions of concern nor that of other pro-decency organizations who also have shed light upon Hardee’s pornographic advertising trends. (2) Hardee’s also used an erotic ad featuring a mechanical bull and a scantily clad female. (3) In 2005, Hardee’s used a pornographic ad featuring Paris Hilton exerting sleazy movements to market hamburgers at their “family” restaurants. (4) February 28,2006, A friend of this ministry notified us of yet another sexualized online Hardee’s ad (also a television ad). The ad features a very scantily clad erotic waitress and a young male leering at the waitresses body parts. The waitress, of course, moving provocatively as the camera focuses on her body parts. (5) June 12, 2007. Hardee’s pornographic ad featured a scantily clad blond rolling on the floor “advertising” patty melt featuring sexualized movements, eroticized chewing, the invitation to run your fingers through her hair, to touch her …. Pornography, again, is defined by Websters as material created for the purposes of eliciting a sexual response. Thus, the description of the ad as a pornographic ad. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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