Spiritual warfare. That’s what comes to mind for me when I think about what I have been experiencing. As I wrote in our May newsletter, I have been so fragmented in mind, life, energies in recent months. As I wrote in a recent email alert entitled “My whereabouts,” I have been very involved with my Dad, Robert J. Johnson (83) as he has been struck with severe dementia – perhaps even worse. I deeply have appreciated the many words of counsel from many of you particularly from my friends the Bauers who minister in Tahlequah, OK at a wonderful retirement center that also deals with dementia in a loving, spiritual, professional way. Their counsel affirmed and encouraged me as I continue serving my Lord and desiring to honor my father. God’s miracle – His church building – the new offices of ADA. Our present offices are in disarray as things are in boxes and more things to be boxed. Our new home is being prepared. My new office, as of this morning, is actually ready for me to be occupied. Two new offices and have been constructed, painted, wired, etc. A new refrigerator and an oven/stove have been donated (we are actually to decide what we want and purchase them – what a blessing.) Also, a dish washer has been donated. What a help this is! Scraping needs to be done on two areas where there was significant water damage – that will be done next week. The sanctuary is in very nice shape – it is very intimate only seating 108 in a theater type setting. We just spent $4,000 on complete and updated wiring (throughout the building) for telephone, DSL, computer networking, cable television). We had one flat roof changed to an angled roof over a leaky section of the building. Significantly more roofing will need to be done in the near future. We had Scripture painted in the sanctuary over a Mary Baker Eddy quote. It was done beautifully by a highly gifted Christian sister from our area. Six new toilets were installed replacing fixtures from the seventies and before. We have a friend who recently retired from the city of Fremont volunteer to do lawn-care. He has been doing that throughout the spring. We still need to purchase a number of 8 foot tables and accompanying chairs to provide for our group of 40 volunteers who assist us with our mailings each month. Several have asked for an update on our building. I hope this helps. For those who would like to be kept up to date on God’s leading regarding this building, please see our June newsletter. https://americandecency.org/resources/newsletters/2007/nwjune07.pdf And, please pray for our ministry and support us as generously as you feel led. https://americandecency.org/folder.php?f=donate Thanks. Bill Pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. [Hebrews 12:14] How to be about the business of this pursuit. Request a free book entitled “The Pursuit of Holiness” by Jerry Bridges. Make your request by emailing kimberly@americandecency.org Complimentary offer, though your donation helps defray costs and makes it possible for us to make such offers. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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