“… This is what it means when God abandons a society. Sexual revolution? Down one more step. Homosexual revolution? Down one more step. Can’t ever get your way out of it because your cultural mind is gone. It’s gone. . …” https://americandecency.org/resources/bulletin/2007/btnseptember07.pdf
All we’ve got is the truth. But that’s a lot. An awful lot. On the National Day of Prayer, Dr. John MacArthur gave a “line in the sand” message at a church in Colorado Springs. This message drew the attention of Focus on the Family President Dr. James Dobson who, on his daily radio broadcast, echoed similar concerns. MacArthur stated in his message, without equivocation, that he believed God has abandoned America in accordance with Romans 1. “This is what it means when God abandons a society. Sexual revolution? Down one more step. Homosexual revolution? Down one more step. Can’t ever get your way out of it because your cultural mind is gone. It’s gone. And I would put it this way simply. There is no surer indicator of a corrupted, wicked and abandoned society under God’s wrath than when that society does not tolerate anger against sin. How long is it going to be before if you preach against it in your pulpit the government is going to come in and tell you you can’t do that. They’ve done that in Canada. It was C.S. Lewis who said ‘the last experience of the sinner is the horrible enslavement of the freedom he desired’. So Paul is unfolding for us this picture of what a society looks like when it’s abandoned. It’s not my description. Now you see why I said I think America is here going through the cycle of Romans 1. Why does it happen? Let’s go back to verse 18 and find out. Verse 18. The wrath of God is revealed from heaven in this form of abandonment against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men that makes up this society. Verse 18. Who suppress – there it is – they suppress the truth. They suppress the truth. … no surer indicator of a corrupted, wicked and abandoned society under God’s wrath than when that society does not tolerate anger against sin….” MacArthur, in his message, makes significant reference to how the Word is under assault in America. Satan is destroying America as many assault His Word. MacArthur states: “Truth is diminished in its place. It’s denied. It’s rejected. It’s amazing how people mock Biblical truth today. Amazing. Oh , you can figure out a way to make it so smooth and soft and take out all the hard parts so it doesn’t have the sting, but if you give the unadulterated, unexpurgated pure word of God it will generate a negative reaction in many environments. You need to speak the truth in love, but all we’ve got is the truth. ..” So what is God saying to you? What is He saying to me? All we’ve got is the truth. But that’s a lot. Is God speaking to you about your handling of the Word of God? Do you value it as you should? Are you diminishing it or assaulting it in any way as Dr. John MacArthur outlines? Are you standing for truth – especially at your local church? How are you doing in regard to your own devotional life? What about family devotions with your loved ones? May each of us realize that, indeed, “All we have is the Truth.” But that’s a lot. An awful lot. [Taken from John MacArthur’s message on the National Day of Prayer in Colorado Springs, CO] https://americandecency.org/resources/bulletin/2007/btnseptember07.pdf For more of Dr. John MacArthur’s commentary on America’s faltering from its spiritual/Biblical moorings, purchase John MacArthur’s new book entitled “The Truth War” – available at most Christian bookstores. Editor’s note: By the way – I get no remuneration from encouraging the purchase of this book. This is all about lifting up an extremely serious concern that is undercutting the spiritual vitality of American churches and Christians! American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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