Personal note: A&F still utilizes erotic images to market to kids. I’m referring to a picture display in the center of this particular outlet. [Rivertown Crossings Mall, Grandville, MI] You would expect to see a display of a topless woman in a porn shop but not in a clothing store geared toward youth. Despite having cleaned up their marketing act (and the way they display their clothing significantly), A&F still uses pornography to lure teen shoppers. TO Email A&F and click on contact Abercrombie & Fitch Michael Jeffries, CEO 6301 Fitch Path New Albany OH 43054 614-283-6500 OR 888-856-4480 Fax: 614-283-6710 ********************************************************************* Lastly, Free boycott A&F bumper sticker Ditch Fitch: Abercrombie Peddles Porn For your free bumper sticker (colors – red, white and blue) write or email us with your name and address or call 1-888-733-2326. Email: Please share this offer with others — this bumper sticker will help us inform others For more than one Bumper sticker please send A dollar for each ordered Order 1 – Free 25 or more – $.75 each 100 or more – $.50 each ********************************************************************* Help us do all we can to build into our youth wisdom regarding sexual things. Order the Pam Stenzel video today. A video tape that needs to be shown from community to community – it’s one that serves as a loving exhorter and encourager about our youth’s purity, sexuality. It’s entitled: Sex has a Price Tag. Mail us a check, cash or money order for $20.00 and we’ll send one to you asap. It’s a powerful video tape of Pam Stenzel presenting before a group of Christian high schoolers in California. Stenzel worked in a pregnancy crisis center for 9 years. She lovingly tells the story of the damage done by unbiblical sexuality. (fornication, sex before marriage) She also shares of God’s great love. Our address is: American Decency Assocation Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH:231-924-4050 Fax:231-924-1966 ADA produces a monthly bulletin insert that we furnish free of charge. It goes to over 1300 churches a month. To receive a sample copy to use at your local church, email:
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American Decency AssociationCopyright 2025 American Decency