Personal note: Being tapped on the shoulder to stand up. An email from one of you — This morning as I was checking out at the HEB store, there on the lowest rack, eye level to little children was the Vanity Fair magazine. After I finished with checking out, I talked to the manager over the checkout clerks, who agreed whole-heartedly with me that the magazine should be removed. The lady behind me in line also voiced her opinion that it should be removed. The manager had me talk to the Assistant manager and who said nothing could be done until the upper management gave them the okay to either remove them or have them covered. I asked if I turned them over would she get in trouble and she said to go ahead. Which, of course, I did. I then told her I wasn’t sure if I found all the magazines and she said she would check to be sure. I was surprised that this only took minutes and there were other women who were pleased something was being done. All agreed that Vanity Fair had pushed the limits too far. Remember that old adage, give them an inch they’ll take a mile? The Lord knew this, too, and gave us his laws, not to bind us down but to free us to act for ourselves and to have true joy in our lives. I have 8 granddaughters between the ages of 1 and 6 years. They go shopping at these stores with their mothers. These magazines are right there next to the candy at the checkout counters. There isn’t any way to avoid those magazines. I remember years back women banded together and demanded that Playboy be covered when the drugstores started to carry them. We need to step up to the plate as our mothers/grandmothers did. Keep up the good work of encouraging us to take action in our own community. Sincerely, T.D. The Woodlands TX —————— Have you ever spoken up as the writer above? How will the businesses where you shop know that staying away from explicit images is a matter of concern if people like you and me don’t stand up and be counted? Join with us in this important local/nationwide campaign. You are needed! We will mail you a 10 minute DVD containing an informal interview between myself and Judy Krause, a ministry friend who gives very practical hands on information as to how she was able to effectively encourage a number of local grocery stores to discontinue placing indecent magazines at the checkout counter and/or placed blinders over magazines displaying indecent images or words. In addition, we will furnish a membership card that can be used when you speak to your local manager that there are many others who share your concern about indecency at the checkout. Email us at: or Call – 1-888-733-2326. We are forgoing the recommended gift to help cover the cost of the DVD, the membership card and the postage. Our desire is to encourage you our brothers and sisters to “stand therefore.” Consider the following verses from II Timothy 2:8-9 “…Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling …” Those of us who take our faith seriously are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of identifying with Christ in His suffering. We are not to be ashamed. With God’s grace, we can be faithful to Him in unashamedly standing for righteousness in the places where we shop. Pray and ask God if He would have you get involved. Help us add more communities to our list where people are standing for the light. Call us today at 1-888-733-2326. ========================================================= Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050
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