Just when you think Victoria’s Secret can’t get any lower with their sleazy, erotic television ads and mall displays, they find a new line to cross. The company that has turned walking through a family shopping mall or sitting through TV commercials into navigating a pornographic minefield is now aiming at a new target – our teenage daughters and granddaughters. Victoria’s Secret is now airing a television ad that boldly uses a young-looking teenage girl dressed in skimpy bra and underwear to lure in a new generation of Victoria’s Secret shoppers. The ad is definitely geared toward encouraging teens to buy their products. But what else is Victoria’s Secret selling? My assistant, who viewed the ad, stated she found it truly shocking – not just for the blatant sexual imagery that typifies VS ads, but even more so for the use of a young model who could easily be 15 years old. Victoria’s Secret hasn’t just crossed the line, they’ve leapt over it, using apparent teens in such a pornographic display. We have had a couple of people alert us to this latest trend by Victoria’s Secret. Here is one person’s observation in a letter written to Victoria’s Secret. *********** “I saw your latest commercial today on our local TV station. The girl traipsing around in her bra & undies looked to be 13-15 yrs old! I was outraged and have called the TV channel to lodge a complaint. When you start gearing your commercials to appeal to the pedophiles someone has got to speak up. My gosh, do you have children, grandchildren, or any kind of conscience at all? The decent people of America are being forced to come together to get your advertisements off the air. You have gone too far, MK & Family ************ In 1995 Calvin Klein came under fierce attack for producing sexualized ads of young teens in nothing more than underwear. The public outrage was swift and strong and didn’t come just from pro-family groups. Child-welfare advocates criticized the ads as pornographic. Many labeled the ads as “kiddie-porn” and expressed great concern over the use of our youth as sexual objects. The Justice Department investigated to see whether the ads broke child pornography laws and even the media roundly criticized the company. USA Today stated ” – designers have finally gone too far with displays of nudity.” and the LA Times Magazine wrote “His ads violate taboos, they use vivid looks at things we are not supposed to see.” The Chicago Sun Times added: “Only soulless corporations such as Calvin Klein, unendowed with social responsibility or morals, are allowed to degrade our freedom and human rights to make a buck.” I would place this Victoria’s Secret ad on a similar scale as the Calvin Klein ads of 1995. What will be the public reaction in 2007? Have we allowed ourselves to be so desensitized to the bombardment of erotic and pornographic material that we just accept the exploitation of our kids? Advertisements don’t just sell products. They also sell attitudes, ideas, actions and conduct. What Victoria’s Secret is selling is a dangerous and damaging view of children as sexualized objects. If people do not rise up in outrage and protest against Victoria’s Secret as was done in 1995 against Calvin Klein, this mindset will insidiously permeate our culture. Take 20 minutes and write to Victoria’s Secret. Call your local television station. Write a letter to the editor of your area newspaper. Encourage your friends and family and fellow church members to do the same. It may sound trite, but do it for the youth of this next generation who are being victimized. May it not be said of us that we became numb to seeing kids used in pornographic displays. Contact Victoria’s Secret: Victoria’s Secret Stores Inc. Grace A. Nichols – President and CEO 4 Limited Parkway Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Phone 614-577-7000 Fax: 614-577-7047 email: http://www2.victoriassecret.com/html/custsrvc/contact/comments/ The Limited (owns Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, White Barn Candle Co., Express) Leslie Wexner, CEO Three Limited Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 800-756-4449 ********** Sample letter to Victoria’s Secret: Dear , I am appalled to learn that Victoria’s Secret has stooped to a new low by airing television ads that feature the erotic display of a very young-looking teenage girl. This ad is irresponsible and destructive! What you are selling is the exploitation of children – turning young teens into sexualized objects. In a day when far too often we hear of the victimization of children and teens, I strongly admonish you to immediately pull these ads. Please exhibit greater concern for our families and our youth. Sincerely, ******** ========================================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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