A new low for family grocery stores

By: American Decency Staff

First it’s sexually explicit magazines at the checkout counter. Now it’s sex toys in the family supermarket? This is a prime example of the slippery slope – when indecency is not opposed. It begins with magazines becoming a little more racy – provocative covers, a little cleavage, perhaps one erotic article. With no opposition, the content and images displayed become worse and worse while shoppers become more and more acclimated and desensitized. How thankful we are that there still are some capable of righteous indignation! Will you be one? The account below shows the importance of speaking out. If we don’t, will our family grocery stores also become sex shops?

“Hi Bill, Just wanted to alert you to the valentine displays at our area Kroger’s. Along with the usual cards and candy they have started to carry adult only items. Such as fuzzy pink and glow in the dark handcuffs, love dice, playing cards (which ask the question if you think cybersex is wrong) etc… When I spoke to the manager at our Pinckney store he removed the handcuffs immediately. As for Brighton, the manager dismissed my concerns and said he was unable to remove anything. Since they state that they are intended for 18yrs. on up, I asked if he was going to check I.D. on kids trying to buy these objects. He scoffed and stated he would not. He took my name and number and said he would have someone contact me. I am not holding my breath. Please let everyone know what our family? grocery? store is up to. The managers have told me I have been their only complaint! Thanks and God Bless You for being open to His grace! In Christ’s Peace”

This lady did take time to express indignation and concern and was faithful to the calling to be salt and light. But isn’t it troubling that she has been the only one to complain in these stores? A grocery store selling sex toys! Where is the outrage? Yet, this also demonstrates that one person can make a difference. In the first store where she expressed concern, the manager immediately removed the offending merchandise. You can have the same impact in your local community. And even when we don’t see the results we’d like, God is honored by our faithfulness, and with perseverance we may yet see indecency rolled back. Any day now, we expect the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition to hit the stands. There is nothing innocent about SI Swimsuit. Filled with photos of topless women and erotic images, this magazine is toxic. It is extremely pornographic and is often used as a stepping stone to harder and harder forms of pornography. Don’t let this become established where your family shops. Follow the example above and speak out. We also urge you to contact Kroger regarding the repugnant sale and display of sex toys in a family store. Contact information below: Kroger, Inc. David B. Dillon – Chairman and CEO 1014 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100 Phone: 513-762-4000 Fax: 513-762-1160 email: http://www.kroger.com/customercomments.htm Or email: kroger.investors@kroger.com

Sample letter: Dear Mr. Dillon: I am appalled to learn that Kroger, a store reliant upon families for much of its business, would compromise its integrity with the sale of sex toys in a family shopping center. It is outrageous that among your Valentine merchandise you are selling handcuffs and other sexual paraphernalia. These types of vulgar products have nothing to do with love and have no place in a store where families shop! I urge you to remove these products immediately and be much more careful with your product selection in the future. Sincerely, …

In addition, if you are one who shares our indignation at the flood of filth in your family shopping center, we once again urge you to join us in this important cause. Sign up to receive an American Decency Association membership card and use it to show grocery store managers when you step up and take a stand that you are part of a nationwide effort to restore family shopping centers to being free of such trash. We will be furnishing a membership card and an instructional DVD and/or CD that will systematically explain how to address store managers and/or owners regarding this concern. There will be a minimal price attached to this membership card to show that you are willing to make a financial sacrifice ($25.00) and not just be a curiosity seeker. (This price will help cover the costs of the identification card, the DVD and postage.) To indicate your interest and stand with us in this nationwide campaign call us at 1-888-733-2326 or email us at info@americandecency.org and please provide your name, email address and phone number – any other information that you think might be helpful would be appreciated as well. (Please allow approximately two -three weeks for delivery of your American Decency Association membership card as we are in the beginning stages of producing the membership card and instructional DVD). ========================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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