… a matter of life and death …

By: American Decency Staff

Hi Bill, Here are my comments on the Sex Has a Price Tag presentation.

I just ordered a DVD to replace my nearly worn out after lending it to literally dozens of friends and family members. Everyone agrees that the content is exceptional and that Pam is one of today’s top communicators. One such friend I lent the video to is a HS biology teacher who presented it to her parochial school students. Anxious to hear how it went, I phoned my friend that evening and asked for an accounting. My heart skipped when she stated, “Well, it caused some problems.” Asking her to explain, she stated, “The video is 60 minutes, and classes are 50 minutes in length. The kids were so into it that they were begging to stay after class and watch the last 10 minutes. I had to tell them no to prevent them from being late to their next class.” Dads, moms, uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc., spend the $20 and get this video into the homes of those you love. Every kid (and adult) needs to see this video. In many cases, it could be a matter of life and death. R.W. To order online: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=store/display ================================== A brief personal note: Many times we have promoted this message – “Sex Has A Price Tag.” You can tell by the price that we don’t make money on it. It’s not about money it’s about the importance of the message. Yesterday’s email expresses our heart regarding the reality of what is happening out there in the adolescent world. https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/April/4.30.07 The video tape is appropriate for most 13 year olds and older. We have in our inventory the public school and Christian versions. Both are outstanding. The video tape is not intended to be the only message we give our young people but it is a powerful and important message that Pam Stenzel delivers. *************************************************************** Here are some of Pam Stenzel’s comments as she opens her message. I came here today so that none of you will be able to leave this auditorium and ever again be able to say to a physician, to a counselor, to a future husband or wife “nobody ever told me. I didn’t know.” If you’ve had sex outside of a permanent marriage relationship, you will pay. There is a cost. No one has ever had sex outside of the context or marriage without paying a price. The question you have to ask tonight though, is this: “What is the cost and is it worth it?” I speak and travel all over the US and internationally to ¼ million teenagers every year and have learned a tremendous amount, Before I began speaking full time, I spent nine years working at a Pregnancy Counseling Center. I began to ask the girls in my office, what could we have said before you made your choice that might of helped you make a better choice? After nine years I realized that there were a lot of teenagers out there who were making choices about sex and had absolutely no idea about what the consequences were. I want you to understand that I don’t come here today to make a choice for you and I don’t intend to. I can’t go on all you dates. I don’t have time. I can’t choose for you. As much as we would like to, we can’t put you in a box until you are 24. All we can do is love you and tell the truth, and hope you make the right choices. My goal today is that none of you here will ever again be able to say to a physician, pregnancy counselor, future husband or wife, “Nobody told me.” What you choose to do after today is up to you. God created sex. It’s awesome. It’s not a terrible thing we can’t talk about in a Catholic school. God created sex. God wants you to have great sex. It was his idea, not yours. But God created sex with boundaries. It’s awesome when it is within boundaries. But when it happens outside of boundaries, it’s horribly, horribly destructive. Pam asks the teenagers: “What’s the context or boundary God created with sex?” They answer: “Marriage.” Pam says: “That’s the right answer, but most of you don’t believe this. God did not create sex for love. He created sex for one context only, marriage for a lifetime. I love the law of God. I delight in the law of God: 1. It protects – no one gets hurts who follows His laws 2. It’s simple, not complicated. Everyone can understand it. It is not hard. Either you are married or you are not married. …. ************************************************************** The impact of the media upon our children makes them so vulnerable. The promotion of the Stenzel video is a great fit for our ministry concern. Order Pam Stenzel video tapes online https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=store/display Stenzel’s message ministers. Help us do all we can to build into our youth wisdom regarding sexual things. Order the Pam Stenzel video today. [There is also a public school version available on request.] https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=store/display We do take credit card orders. 1-888-733-2326 Mail us a check, cash or money order for $20.00 and we’ll send one to you asap. It’s a powerful video tape of Pam Stenzel presenting before a group of Christian high schoolers in California. Stenzel worked in a pregnancy crisis center for 9 years. She lovingly tells the story of the damage done by unbiblical sexuality. (fornication, sex before marriage) She also shares of God’s great love. To order online: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=store/display American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 fax: 231-924-1966

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