“Desperate Housewives” created a stir when it premiered in the fall of 2004 as a show that pushed the envelope and pushed immorality upon the American public. Erotic sex scenes, partial nudity, bondage, homosexual sex, pornography use, and taboo-breaking story lines that legitimized adults having sex with teens have been common fare on “Desperate Housewives”. While “Desperate Housewives” continues to be a target of our television monitoring, now in it’s third season the show has been accepted by many, garnering little public outrage or concern. With an entrenched audience and less need to be as attention-seeking, some of the story lines as of late may be somewhat less graphic, however the messages of immorality permeates every episode. Story lines this season have included the portrayal of teen sex as the norm with little to no significance. A 16 year-old girl losing her virginity is portrayed as expected and no big deal. Actually, sex between adults is also shown as just as meaningless as exemplified earlier in the season when divorced housewife Susan has an affair with a married man. She informs him that she has had eleven lovers in the past – but says that “does not make me a slut”. As the two are shown in bed, she tells him that she’s not ready for a lifetime commitment and he assures her “I’m as perfectly capable of having meaningless sex as you are.” What is equally troubling is the fact that “Desperate Housewives” has become so accepted – even in Christian circles. We’ve heard accounts of teens from Christian schools who watch the show religiously and Christian moms who worship the Lord on Sunday mornings (and perhaps evenings) and then tune in to “Desperate Housewives” every Sunday night. How does this disconnect occur from what Christians would say they believe to what they practice? How can Christians choose to be entertained by what their conscience would tell them is an assault upon God and His principles and promotes outright sin? Recently in a devotional reading by Oswald Chambers I was reminded of the importance of yielding to God and not to sin. Using the verse “His servants ye are to whom ye obey.” (Romans 6:16), Chambers tells us “If I am a slave to myself I am to blame because at a point a way back I yielded to myself. Likewise, if I obey God I do so because I have yielded myself to Him. It is easy to sing, “He will break every fetter” and at the same time be living a life of obvious slavery to yourself. Yielding to Jesus will break every form of slavery in any human life.” Each of us as Christians must constantly be examining every area of our life to see if we are yielding to Christ or to ourselves – and this certainly applies to our entertainment choices. If you find yourself being entertained by that which is an affront to our Lord, re-commit yourself to yielding to Him. In addition, take a stand against “Desperate Housewives” and its promotion of infidelity, promiscuity, and the regular portrayal of immorality as accepted behavior. Contact the advertisers listed below and urge them not to associate their corporate name with such themes, letting them know their actions will affect your purchase habits. “Desperate Housewives” advertiser list: https://americandecency.org/main.php?f=updates_new/2007/march/3.18a.07 ========================================== Let’s encourage one another and strengthen one another to be more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 PH: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org
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