–From the Archives – Exact Date Unknown — Abercrombie and Fitch’s new “Christmas Quarterly” continues. A&F’s arrogant use of pornography as they target teens with their blatant marketing schemes. In the past the cover of the shrink-wrapped catalog did not reveal explicit photographs. However A&F latest catalog cover is by far the worst as it reveals nudity through the transparent shrink-wrap.
Only a symbol, printed on the shrink-wrap, covers the breasts of the nude model on the front cover. Now anyone who comes in contact with the catalog – from mail carriers to children who pass by the displays of the Quarterly in A&F stores are exposed to the following. The front cover shows a nude male and nude female on a bed and boldly advertises: INSIDE: 280 PAGES OF SEX AND X-MAS FUN. The contents live up to that claim with dozens of photos of nude college-age men and women, often in sexual poses. The “catalog” contains 37 photos depicting total nudity – both male and female. It also contains 10 photos of female frontal nudity as well as several shots of rear nudity. The sexually provocative photos often suggest group sex between young people. Also included are profanity-laden interviews with the likes of pornographer Larry Flynt. In it’s question and answer section, ASK A&F, an initial question reveals A&F’s continuing undermining of Biblical sexuality. Dear A&F, My dad’s definitely got a thing for my girlfriend. He corners her every time she’s over, he cooks for her and even does her errands! Am I wrong for being jealous? Chris, Scottsdale, AZ A&F’s answer: Dear Chris, Look on the bright side. If she falls for your dad, you’ll have a hot new mom. IN ITS QUESTION AND ANSWER SECTION WITH LARRY FLYNT, FOUNDER OF HUSTLER MAGAZINE — DISCUSSING “CENSORSHIP” A&F: What about when a network, like ABC, pulls an episode of a show because Procter & Gamble deems the subject matter too controversial and won’t advertise? Larry Flynt: Well, we call Disney the Dirty Old Rat, and we had a cartoon once that shows Mickey on the phone with his EXPLETIVE sticking out and he goes, “And if you don’t like that, Mr. Eisner, you can kiss my black EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE!” ****************************************************************** PERSONAL NOTE: WHY A&F’S CATALOG DRAWS OUR GRAVE CONCERN (1) Because A&F relentlessly shows no regard for the innocence of our children. (2) Because A&F says to tens of thousands of parents nationwide who have expressed their indignation to them, THEY COULD CARE LESS. (1) Because pornography is toxic. It is highly addictive, desensitizing and destructive. (2) Without a question, A&F’s catalog is pornographic. (3) Though the vast majority of American corporations avoid using pornography to target our youth for sales and the lining of their pockets, A&F shamelessly and aggressively uses eroticism to bring youth to its doors and to their cash registers. (4) Sex sells. Everybody knows it. It’s far more difficult to impress onto our youth discernment, self-control, Biblical morality than it is to stir, eroticize and sell them product and turn them into porn addicts. (5) Seeing is believing. I can present to you words to help you know the erotic nature of the catalog but my words are kept toned down. The catalog is far worse than my guarded descriptions. (6) Sex is a wonderful gift of God – in the context of marriage. As Pam Stenzel states in her video tape, sex outside of marriage is destructive. As a person follows the vision of sexuality painted by A&F, that young person is blindly being led down a path that may seem innocent enough but …. (7) Pornography addicts. (8) I have four children. Through their growing up years, I have desired and prayed that each of my children would save themselves for marriage. I’m not finished with parenting and all of my children haven’t finished growing up. Any corporate entity, TV program, magazine, video game, movie, catalog that attempts to undermine the sexual purity of any of my children or God’s clarion call to be holy as He is holy, is a messenger of the evil one – and I will not be lulled to sleep or oblivious to the reality that this agent is an agent of Satan himself and he/she/they must be exposed and their evil opposed as best as I can. SIGN A&F BOYCOTT PETITION: https://americandecency.org/PetitionForm.htm WHAT CAN YOU DO? (1) PRAY FOR A&F decision makers. (2) If you have recently purchased A&F clothing, take it back – express your concern – and ask for your money back. (3) Discuss A&F with your youth. Variety of issues surrounding this: a. Christians. Do we identify with Christ and His love and righteousness? Or do we identify with Satan and his works of deception, darkness – tugging at us to identify with flesh, being on the edge, titillating? b. Boycotting. It’s a good thing to have convictions. To believe so much in what is good, right, honoring that you make a full-hearted decision not to align with a company and/or product that goes against your conviction – even if others could care less. c. Is what A&F is doing a good thing? How so? d. Is what A&F is doing a bad thing? In what ways? (4) Please pray that many of us will seek God for greater passion for personal purity and holiness. That God will raise up numbers of us who are indignant over things such as what Abercrombie & Fitch is doing. Pray that many others will take a stand by speaking out directly at their local stores – especially young but not only the younger. We continue to provide our bumper stickers (see offer below). We continue to receive numerous orders each day. It is just one way to educate many others. Sincerely, Bill Johnson CONTACT A&F MICHAEL JEFFRIES, CHAIRMAN AND CEO mike_jeffries@abercrombie.com Abercrombie & Fitch P.O. Box 182168 Columbus, Ohio 43218 PH: 614-577-6500 Customer service line: 1-888-856-4480 ********************************************************************** LASTLY, Free boycott A&F bumper sticker Two different selections: DITCH FITCH: Abercrombie Exploits Children OR DITCH FITCH: Abercrombie Peddles Porn For your free bumper sticker (colors – red, white and blue) write or email us with your name and address or call 1-888-733-2326. EMAIL: bjohnson@americandecency.org Please share this offer with others — this bumper sticker will help us inform others For more than one BUMPER STICKER please send A dollar for each ordered ORDER 1 – FREE 25 or more – $.75 each 100 or more – $.50 each*
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