Entering its tenth season, a TV show known for being family-friendly has added a very family-unfriendly personality to its lineup. American Idol has had a shakeup in its panel of judges as several of the judges who have been with the show for past seasons have quit the program leaving the producers with the problem of finding their replacements. One of the new judges, Steven Tyler of the band Aerosmith, has a past which makes one wonder how he could have been selected for a prominent place in TV show with a reputation for being acceptable for all ages. As even MTV's entertainment news page notes, "This is not going to be your grandma's "American Idol." The MTV article describes the changes that Steven Tyler may bring to the show: "'Idol' has always been a kind of wholesome family affair that the entire clan can sit down and watch together without worrying about foul language, nudity or any other PG-13 antics. That's before new judge Steven Tyler came onboard, so don't be surprised if your sixth-grader starts asking, 'Mommy, what's a Lunesta?' or 'Daddy, what's a three-way?'" Of course, judging by MTV's new teen porn show, "Skins", MTV probably thinks it's great that kids are asking these questions. On January 18th, Tyler was a surprise guest on the Howard Stern Show which is now on Sirius Satellite Radio. During Stern's interview with Tyler (Tyler's girlfriend was also in the interview), Tyler discussed a myriad of subjects including his lewd sex life and his drug use (before rehab), all of which was peppered with expletives that you hope not to hear coming from a TV personality who is watched by millions of families every Wednesday night. MTV also describes Tyler's conversation with Howard Stern: " Tyler left no stone unturned, speaking about everything from the inspiration for the song "Big 10 Inch Record" (hint: it's not about vinyl) to masturbation, his active (and colorful) sex life with his current girlfriend, his love of guns, multiple trips to rehab for drugs and Penthouse Forum-worthy backstage activities with his sweetie and an eager groupie during a recent Aerosmith tour." Steven Tyler has also admitted to having some heavy drug problems, including falling of stage at a 2009 concert which he has said was due to having snorted the drug Lunesta before going on stage. Tyler has gone through a drug rehab program. Since its debut in 2002, the ratings for the FOX television show "American Idol" have dominated its market, largely because it has been seen as suitable for the entire family to follow. However, the image will soon be lost if the first episode with Steven Tyler on board is any indication. An MSNBC article opined that this new “American Idolâ€Â will “keep the Fox lawyers up at night worrying that Steve Tyler will do something that gets the network sued or the FCC to chime in.â€Â Indeed, that seems quite a valid concern. Another article by PopNews Wire and posted on FOX’s own FOXNews website quoted Tyler using the f-word in response to one young contestant (which, while bleeped on television, leaves viewers to mentally fill in the blank.) PopNews also gave this review of Tyler:  “…Which brings us to another point about Tyler — he's a dog … as in a pig. Tyler loves the ladies, and the ladies — most young enough to be his granddaughters — love him right back. At 62, he had no problem pointing out that a super-wholesome 16-year-old was showing "just the right amount" of leg.â€Â So here is 62 year old Tyler leering at young, underage teenagers and making sexually suggestive comments! But Steven Tyler doesn’t stop there with the sexually-harassing comments. The PopNews article goes on, stating: “One major criticism: More so than the judges of yore, this panel seems a little too willing to send the freaks to Hollyweird — most notably Tiffany Morris, a well-endowed dance teacher who literally let it all hang out while singing about how America needs her for "higher ratings on TV.â€Â But Tyler made up for it by addressing the dangling stars on her skimpy bikini top, asking, "What's with the jujubes on your hoo hoo bes?" In the first year that “American Idolâ€Â has allowed contestants as young as 15, they also give us a judge who, rather than being a mentor for these young hopefuls, seems to be focused more on their sex appeal. “American Idolâ€Â now is joining the bandwagon of Hollywood by condoning the sexualization of teen girls, portraying them as sexual objects to be ogled by old men. In recent years the entertainment industry has insistently pushed the view of young teenage girls as sexual objects, sending a message to girls that their worth is dependent upon their sexual appeal while boys and men are taught to view them as objects of lust. Tyler’s comments to female contestants on American Idol and the “wink-winkâ€Â attitude of media and lack of public outrage attest that this destructive view is already well-established. However, we must not sit idly by while “American Idol,â€Â a show that draws in millions of family viewers, condones, by their silence and acceptance, such salacious comments from Steven Tyler toward young girls. Parents and viewers need to speak out. Express your concern by clicking on the link below to contact FOX TV. Take Action! https://americandecency.org/take_action_form.php?msg_id=86 You can also voice your concern to: FOX Broadcasting Co. Dave Haslingden – President and CEO 10201 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 Phone: 310-369-1000 ——————————————————————————————————————— Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/donate.php American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson
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