3 in 3 for 8-16-24

By: Steve Huston

Weekly, with few exceptions, we bring you our Decency Minute scripts and point you to the radio spots that Bill Johnson narrates with conviction, passion, and compassion. When possible, we also link to some of our articles that inspired these Decency Minutes. Are you aware that each month we also produce the Frontline newsletter? It’s available to read online or you can order it by request at kimberly@americandecency.org – it’s free! Another monthly feature we make available is a church bulletin insert. It can also be read online and churches may freely download, print, and distribute it to their congregations.

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This week’s Decency Minutes talk about conservatism, constitutional rights, and Scriptural truth. As Americans, these things are more than mere tradition; they’re meant to be a way of life. That is, unless we view tradition as Gustav Mahler did:Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire. Might Truth burn within us; may He guide, direct, protect, and move us in all we do. We will conclude this email with some of Francis Schaeffer’s thoughts on “Flaming Truth.”

There Are No Boats Off Shore

I saw this quote on X commenting on Donald Trump, “He isn’t ‘conservative’ in the true sense of the word, that is one who conserves the status quo.”

However, there is little left to conserve. We have retreated all the way to the beach, and there are no boats offshore.”

The point is that when you’re being attacked and there’s no place to retreat to, all that’s left to do is to follow Trump’s challenge when he rose from behind the podium in Butler, PA with a bullet sized hole in his ear: “Fight.”

Of course, as Christians, we know Who wins in the end. He laughs in derision at the schemes of the nations which we find so distressing.

We must never forget that it is our God who split the Red Sea so that His people could cross safely on dry land.

We posted an article with expanded content on this Decency Minute. To read it click here.


Harris/Walz: A Ticket to Burn

George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 is supposed to be a warning of the dangers of a tyrannical government, but under a Harris-Walz administration that nightmare will become reality. One only has to look at Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s radical records to get a preview of what they’ll seek to implement in America.

Our sovereignty and security will be further destroyed by a wide-open border. Parents will lose custody of children for not allowing their child to pursue genital mutilation surgery. Pro-life and conservative Americans will increasingly be jailed. Free speech will become censored speech. And they’ll make it their mission to codify into federal law a nationwide, unlimited, so-called “right” to murder the unborn. As Walz let Minneapolis burn in the riots of 2020, Harris and Walz will let America burn – fanning the flames of destruction that their fellow neo-Marxists have lit in our nation.

Earlier in the week, we published an article that outlines the various dangers of this Harris/Walz ticket. Read it here.

Weed the Garden of Your Heart

Gardens, lawns, patio areas: weeds are everywhere, a reminder of sin’s curse upon the earth due to Adam and Eve’s first act of willful rebellion against God.

Passed on to each member of the human race, sin resides in every heart. When we see weeds of sin sprout up in our children’s lives, regardless of age, it’s vital that we point those areas out – showing love and grace as we do so. We pray that the Holy Spirit will uproot those weeds and that our children will repent of them. If not, sin will bring heartache to their lives and, eventually, disaster. Solomon warned that sinful choices affect the well-being of parents as well. “A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.

Be on constant guard; sin infects all ages. Only the power of God can overcome it.

Christians should have an inherent and fervent love for Truth; it should burn within us. Francis Schaeffer, in The Great Evangelical Disaster, wrote about “Flaming Truth.” Might we strive to know truth, not just intellectually, but experientially!

“It must be understood that the new humanism and the new theology have no concept of true truth – absolute truth. Relativism has triumphed in the church as well as in the university and in society. The true Christian, however, is called upon not only to teach truth, but to practice truth in the midst of such relativism. And if we are ever to practice truth, it certainly must be in a day such as ours.

“This means, among other things, that after we have done all we can on a personal level, if the liberals in the church persist in their liberalism, they should come under discipline. As I have shown at length in The Church Before the Watching World, the church must remain the faithful bride of Christ. And, as I explained there in detail, the liberals are not faithful to the God of the Bible, the God who is there. Historic Christianity, biblical Christianity, believes that Christianity is not just doctrinal truth, but flaming truth – true to what is the great and final environment, the infinite-personal God. Liberalism, on the other hand, is unfaithfulness; it is spiritual adultery toward the divine Bridegroom. We are involved, therefore, in a matter of loyalty – loyalty not only to creeds, but to the Scripture, and beyond that to the divine Bridegroom – the infinite-personal divine Bridegroom who is there in an absolute antithesis to his not being there.” (p. 81)

Be faithful; be fervent; be aflame!



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