U.S. Muslims demand Americans’ private emails

By: American Decency Staff

A Muslim organization is targeting seven Michigan residents who opposed plans for a major Islamic construction project in their neighborhood, and a legal team defending them alleges that the goal is to intimidate the project opponents and send a message to others.

The American Freedom Law Center is representing the opponents, whose names were withheld to protect their privacy.

A variety of subpoenas for information, including private emails and other documents, had been delivered by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Robert Muise, AFLC senior counsel, said, “There is no doubt that CAIR – a Shariah-adherent Islamist group that notoriously uses the legal system to silence any opposition to its nefarious agenda – is abusing the discovery process to retaliate against and intimidate private citizens who dared to publicly express their opposition to the Islamic center.”

Muise said AFLC “is quite familiar with CAIR’s bullying tactics, which is why it is important that we defend these private citizens’ constitutional rights.”

CAIR touts itself as a Muslim civil rights group, but federal prosecutors in 2007 named the Washington, D.C.-based group an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to fund the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, and more than a dozen CAIR leaders have been charged or convicted of terrorism-related crimes.

Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2014/04/islamists-demanding-private-emails-documents/#kgYl2BBjGs8KWUPl.99

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