No doubt Boston bombing was jihad

By: American Decency Staff

The first-year anniversary of the Boston Marathon jihad bombing was marked by a notable and predictable absence. All the observances, commemorations and coverage studiously avoided mentioning why the attack happened in the first place: There was no mention of jihad. In all of the pomp, tribute, memorials and wall-to-wall coverage of this terrible anniversary, everyone from President Obama on down had a lot to say. A lot of nothing. A lot of meaningless rhetoric and feel-good nonsense.

Three people were murdered and more than 250 were wounded, many maimed for life – and on the first anniversary, the New York Times ran sympathy propaganda commiserating not with the victims, but with the jihad filth Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. An article headlined, “Marathon Bombing Suspect Waits in Isolation,” began this way: “He cannot mingle, speak or pray with other prisoners. His only visitors are his legal team, a mental health consultant and his immediate family, who apparently have seen him only rarely.” This holy warrior should have been sentenced to death by a military tribunal.

This is moral inversion. Sick and depraved, the New York Times has sunk to an altogether new low. Is it any wonder that its circulation is in the tank and sinking fast? These creeps deserve to go out of business.


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